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How to get Rock-Hard abs & gain muscle weight

Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.. but also in the GYM

A physique that is muscular, defined and ripped is most likely to turn heads in the gym. Ripped and Rock-hard abs play the part of this whole physique package. No doubt, work on weight room floor is a must if you’re going to build muscle, but your diet is just as important – if not more so.

You can achieve your goals of gaining muscle and rock-hard, ripped abs by following some right principles, exercises and balance of macronutrients. Down below, I’ve incorporated few of these.


It should be kept in the mind that Calorie surplus is the prior requirement for building muscles. But this doesn’t mean eating a huge quantity of ice-creams and hot dogs. Just 250 – 500 calories would be more than enough to get the job done; gain muscle. Now, in order to track out your daily calorie burn rate, use an online calculator like MyPlate, BMI calories or Calorie Mama App, etc. These platforms take in to account your body data like gender, weight and activity level.

Don’t go for high-calorie junk like sugars, refined carbs, and saturated fats when you are going to consume calories. Prepare high protein (lean) meals, including healthy fats and whole grains. For healthy fats, you can use dry fruits and avocados. IGNORE alcohol, fancy drinks and coffees; it will waste your calories.


In order to achieve a defined shape, you should reduce your carb intake. You DON’T have to go no-carb or even super low-carb to look defined. Modestly reducing your carb intake could result in getting rid of the stubborn fat! That fat that covers your stomach and prevents your six packs from showing. According to a Journal of Nutrition, it was observed that consuming 40-45 % of daily calories from Carbs boast positive effects on fat loss and distribution.

This is 200 to 215 grams daily for a standard 2,000 calorie diet. With such a plan you are still able to enjoy one or two pieces of whole fruit, a half cup of grains, such as brown rice or oatmeal, at most meals. In addition to that, you can still enjoy taking some daily dairy.


Do you know that a sufficient amount of your total daily calories comes from Protein? Proteins are the source of amino acids that enhance your muscle growth and repair process. It is recommended to take 0.72 – 0.91 grams of proteins per pound of body weight daily for bodybuilders and strength building athletes. So, if you are a person of 150 pounds, this amount is 108-137 grams of proteins daily.

I recommend you to divide your specific protein needs up among four or five meals. This could be done by eating two boiled eggs in your breakfast, grilled chicken breast in your lunch, flank steak in your dinner with low fat, Greek yogurt.


Here is a key trick for boosting up the growth of your muscles. Schedule one of your favourite meals right after your workout! By doing so, not only you will replace your burned calories, but you will enrich your muscles with nutrients for growth and recovery. Add about 20-25 grams of proteins in this meal, a post-workout whey Protein smoothie made with fruit and milk could be a nutritious option.


Massive, compound moves, such as squats and deadlifts will pay the PRICE! These types of exercises help you build muscles by multiple joint movements at once and activate many core muscles to define your shape. Try to do these exercises in terms of smaller, isolation exercises such as bicep curls. Make choices, and try to do at least one exercise that primarily focuses on major muscle group covering chest, back, arms, shoulders, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Some of the exercises that will definitely and effectively build your muscle include barbell squats.

  • Leg curls

  • Step Ups

  • Dumbbell shoulder press

  • Barbell rows

  • Dumbbell chest press

  • Dips

Down below, I’ve illustrated few tips on how to do these exercises to effectively build strong muscles and abs.


In order to constantly challenge your body and get positive results, you should vary your weight routine every month. Here are few effective tips for you to go through.


In order to get your muscles get bigger and stronger, you must challenge the muscle fibers to break down and tear off. When you are up to lifting weights, go for heavy ones that you can manage for at least five to six reps. Increase weights when eight reps feel easily doable. You need to do at least three sets of each exercise. Most importantly, give your muscles a little rest for the recovery and while in recovery mode, eat healthy food! That’s the way to go.


Here’s the thing! STOP DOING CRUNCHES all the time. You should train the superficial rectus abdominis, the front sheath of your abs. don’t burn your fats for the reason that they are relatively limited in their ability to sculpt your washboard belly.

You should increase ab-building compound exercises; do three to five extra ab-specific exercises per week. And, at each, include 5-10 Abs burning exercises. Down below, you will find exercises that focus on flexion, rotation and bending. You must try to do at least eight reps for each exercise before moving to the next.


This exercise targets both of your upper and lower portion abdominal regions. And, it requires the most core stability to keep from swinging.

  • Grab the “pull up bar” with an overhead grip or place your arms into abs straps.

  • Don’t just use your hands to pull yourself up and down. Engage your abs by pulling your belly button in toward your spine.

  • Raise your knees up past your hips and repeat it.


This exercise is also a very effective exercise and targets particularly the deep transverse and the obliques.

  • Get yourself into the top of a push-up or a plank resting on your toes and forearms.

  • Pull the knee in and around the side of your body and lifting it up… Try to touch your right triceps with it.

  • Keep your body rigid and repeat the process by switching to the left.


This exercise could be very effective but hard for the beginners. Try the similar exercise with a stability ball instead, it will work!

  • Get your hands on the stability ball and keep your stomach strongly pushed in toward your spine.

  • Roll the ball as far as you can. And, after that, roll it inwards… That will be your one rep. Repeat the procedure.

  • Maintaining a rigid back is the key here. Make sure to do a set Do a set or two of the roll-out angling to the right and then the left to put more emphasis on the obliques.


Last but not least is the cable wood chop. Use a cable machine set at shoulder height to do so. This exercise burns your various muscles Such as the quadrates, lumborum, and obliques, which are responsible for twisting and contribute to a cut-looking middle.

  • Stand with your left side facing the cable machine and grab the handle with both hands. Step away slightly so you feel the tension and plant your feet hip-distance apart.

  • Keep your arms extended and twist away from the anchor point, to the right.

  • Control your return to the starting position so that you resist the rotation slightly, rather than get pulled by the cable. Do all the reps on one side and then switch direction.


About: Mack Pijewski - Website - Instagram - Facebook

Mack is a graduate from the University of Warsaw, a physical training instructor, and a lifestyle and fitness entrepreneur. He gained much of his experience through years of varied training in commercial enterprise and the athletic arena.

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